January 30, 1933: President Hindenburg entrusts Chancellorship of Germany to Adolf Hitler.
February 2, 1933: Hitler meets for the first time the high command of Germany's officer corp..
February 3, 1933: "Now it will be easy,"to carry on the fight, for we can call on all the resources of the State. Radio and press are at our disposal. We shall stage a masterpiece of propaganda." Hitler's Diary.
February 5, 1933: All Communist Party buildings and printing presses are expropriated..
February 20, 1933: Industrialists meet at Goering's Reichstag President's Palace to show support of Hitler. Hitler promises to rid the world of Marxists and restore the Wehrmacht.
February 22, 1933: Goering establishes an auxiliary police force of 50,000. Most taken from the ranks of the S.S. and S.A.
February 24, 1933: Goering's police raid the Karl Liebknecht Haus, the Communist headquarters in Berlin. Goering continues his search to agitate the masses before the March 5 elections..
February 27, 1933: The Reichstag is put to fire by Karl Ernst, a former hotel bellhop, now Berlin S.A. leader. Karl Ernst was chosen for the job since he was considered a demented Communist sympathizer.
February 28, 1933: Hindenburg prevailed upon by Hitler to suspend the constitution for "Protection of the People."
March 3, 1933: Goering decries, "I don't have to worry about justice; my mission is only to destroy and exterminate, nothing more."
March 5, 1933: Last democratic election during Hitler's lifetime. Nationalists gain 52 seats, but not enough to establish a dictatorship by consent of Parliament. Third Reich is born.
March 9, 1933: DAUCHAU receives the first of thousands of critics of The Third Reich.
March 11, 1933: Jewish-owned department stores in Braunsshweig are looted.
March 13, 1933: Goebbels becomes Minister of Propaganda
March 13, 1933: Jewish lawyers and judges are expelled from court in Breslau.
March 15, 1933: Three Jews arrested by Storm troopers in Breslau' are beaten and bloodied.
March 17, 1933: Dr. Hans Luther, president of the Reichsbank is fired.
March 17, 1933: Dr. Schacht takes Luther's place. Key figure in building the economic strength of the Third Reich.
March 23, 1933: Enabling Act passed: All control of the Reich budget, approval of treaties, and the initiation of constitutional amendments was handed by the Reichstag to the Reich cabinet for a period of four years. i.e., Hitler given legal instrument to move forward.
March 23, 1933: Hitler promises that the Enabling Act will not deter from the powers of the president or affect the position of the Reichstag. None-the-less, Enabling Act makes Hitler dictator.
March 26, 1933: Hitler puts Goebbels in charge of organizing the boycott of Jewish enterprises.
March 29, 1933: Front page of Nazi newspaper, Volkisher Beobachter, "Let Jewry Know Against Who it Has Declared War".
March 31, 1933: Hitler and Frick, using Enabling Act dissolves Diets of all states except Prussia.
April 1, 1933: Hitler proclaims a national boycott of Jewish shops.
April 1, 1933: Himmler appointed commander of the Bavarian police.
April 7, 1933: Papan resigns, Goring made Prime Minister of Prussia.
April 7, 1933: German government orders dismissal of all civil servants who are not of Aryan descent.
April 8, 1933: Four Jews shot dead at Dauchau.
April 11, 1933: Law for the Restoration; Official definition of who is a Jew.
April 13, 1933: Central Committee of German Jews for Relief and Reconstruction was founded.
April 15, 1933: Goebbels diary: "Everyone among the people is talking of a second revolution." Roehm's Storm troopers now number near two million. Twenty times the number of troops in the army.
April 22, 1933: Jewish merchant, Salomon Rosenstrauch, shot dead in Wiesbaden.
April 25, 1933: Act passed against excessive number of students at Universities from foreign races. Under the Act, Jews were considered foreign.
April 26, 1933: Gestapo given power. The State Secret Police is taken over by the Nazis.
May 10, 1933: Nazis assaults Social Democratic party, taking over all offices, funds and newspapers.
May 10, 1933: Goebbels coordinates countrywide burnings of books by banned Authors.
May 15, 1933: Dr. Alfred Strauss, a Jewish lawyer, killed in Dachau
May 16, 1933: President Roosevelt calls for disarmament among 44 Nations of the League of Nations.
May 17, 1933: Peace Speech: Hitler delivers masterpiece of propaganda before Reichstag. Mirroring Roosevelt, Hitler calls for world wide peace, himself.
May 25, 1933: Louis Schloss, a Jewish lawyer killed in Dachau.
May 27, 1933: Karl Lehburger, a Jewish businessman, killed in Dachau.
May 29, 1933: Willi Aron a lawyer, killed in Dachau.
June 22, 1933: The Social Democratic party is officially banned.
July 30, 1933: 250 Jewish tradesman arrested in Nuremberg
August 7, 1933: Felix Fechnebach, a Jewish Editor, killed in Dachau.
August 22, 1933: Julius Rosemann, Secretary of the Miner's Union in Hamm, shot dead.
September 17, 1933: The National Representation of German Jews (Reichsvertretung der Dutschen Juden) was established. Rabbi Leo Baeck would be its president. Established "to come to grips with the troubled times..."
October 4, 1933: Newspaper Editors' Law; made Aryan origin a prerequisite for anyone editing a German newspaper.
October 10, 1933: Dr. Theo Katz, killed at Dachau.
October 14, 1933: Germany withdraws from League of Nations. Germany considers itself deprived of equality of rights since the other powers aren't disarming to Germany's level for another 8 years.
November 12, 1933: Election of Nazi slate as the single party to the Reichstag by a plurality of 95%.
December 1, 1933: Rudolph Hess becomes a member of the cabinet.