January 13, 1935: Saar votes to return their coal-rich territory to Germany.
January 15, 1935: Saar Region votes for annexation to the Reich. Hitler's first geographic expansion break through.
March 10, 1935: Hitler tests strength of Treaty of Versailles. Calls in British newspaper man Ward Price and tells him that Germany now has a military Air Force. No reaction from Britain. They intend to continue their peace movement with Germany.
March 16, 1935: Hitler decrees law establishing a peacetime army of 500,000 men.
March 17, 1935: France and England do not take action against Hitler's prior day's military decree. Treaty of Versailles is considered dead by Germany's appraisal.
May 21, 1935: Hitler delivers greatest "peace" speech to Reichstag. Claims he has not the slightest thought of conquering other nations or people. "Germany needs peace and desires peace!"
May 22, 1935: Max Hans Kohn, a Jewish student dies in Dachau. First Jew to die there in 10 months.
June 18, 1935: Hitler signs a maritime agreement with Great Britain, securing conditions for building a Navy.
July 15, 1935: Anti-Jewish riots in Berlin. Several Jews severely beaten.
September 15, 1935: Nuremberg Laws define Reich Citizenship. 1.) Only belong to Germany if of kindred blood. 2.) All Jews were defined as being not of German blood.
October 4, 1935: Germany approves Italy's invasion of Abyssinia.
October 15, 1935: Wilhelm Frick, Minister of the Interior calls for codifying laws that will impose legal restriction of Jews taking part in trade and industry.
November 14, 1935: First Implementation Order to the Reich Citizenship, Clause 5; "A Jew is a person descended from at least three grandparents who were full Jews by race."